Monday, March 28, 2011

Orbit Bar: cocktails with Mr Berlingo

Maxx says the best place to relax and take in a 360 degree view of Sydney has to be the Orbit Bar, Australia Square.

5pm Friday seemed like a good opportunity to do just that.  I take my place at a window seat, they're usually in high demand at peak times, but on this occasion most seats are free and the service quick.  Pen in hand, Becks beer on the way and so began the revolving 47th-floor orbit.

On the harbour a good number of people are enjoying what I consider is the ultimate Sydney leisure activity.  If you haven't sailed around the harbour then you haven't experienced the best Sydney has to offer.

I'm dividing time between sipping pilsner, scribbling some notes and enjoying the view when I notice a gent sitting a couple of seats up, on a solo adventure similar to me.  He looks familiar but I can't quite figure where I've seen him.  He's well dressed, has dark, greying hair, mid-forty's - fellow beer drinker.  I nod and offer a quick "hi."

I get a "hey" in return and detect a North American accent.

"Awesome view."

"Yeah, reminds me what I'm missing when I'm not back home here," he replies.

We continue small talk.  I find out he grew up in the northern suburbs of Sydney, started in a law career at the big end of town where money's made, moved and multiplied, then left Sydney several years ago to be based in the US.

We're having a good yarn about Sydney, New York, sport.  We finish our beers and he says, "you know we shouldn't come to a cocktail bar and not critique their finest, my shout."  He orders a Mojito.  'The Burning Monk' with lime leaves, chilli, vodka, ginger liqueur and lychee seemed like the best choice for me.

The discussion gets alot more interesting as the sun sets and cocktails loosen the conversation.  He tells me about the mega deals that have grown his company, how the movement of cash and capital is making and breaking people and whole nations every second of the day.  That Australia is becoming more and more a financial and econmic powerhouse, Sydney growing a global identity beyond famous landmarks and that there are opportunities a plenty here for those willing to live 'close to the edge.'

He pays the bill, and on leaving drops a business card and says "here, I'm throwing a cocktail party next weekend, send me an email, my assistant will leave your name plus a guest with the concierge at my place in Woolloomooloo."

"And... don't forget, if you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room."

So perhaps I'll see Mr. Berlingo* again soon.

*       *       *

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* - name changed for privacy.

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